import logging
import inspect
from google.appengine.api import search as search_api
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
def _datetime_coverter(n, v):
date = search_api.DateField(name=n, value=v)
iso = search_api.TextField(name=n + '_iso', value=v.isoformat())
return date, iso
property_to_field_map = {
ndb.IntegerProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.NumberField(name=n, value=v),
ndb.FloatProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.NumberField(name=n, value=v),
ndb.BooleanProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.AtomField(name=n, value='true' if v else 'false'),
ndb.StringProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.TextField(name=n, value=v),
ndb.TextProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.TextField(name=n, value=v),
# BlobProperty explicitly unindexable
ndb.DateTimeProperty: _datetime_coverter,
ndb.DateProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.DateField(name=n, value=v),
ndb.TimeProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.TextField(name=n, value=v.isoformat()),
ndb.GeoPtProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.GeoField(name=n, value=search_api.GeoPoint(, v.lon)),
# KeyProperty explicity unindexable
# BlobKeyProperty explicitly unindexable
ndb.UserProperty: lambda n, v: search_api.TextField(name=n, value=unicode(v)),
# StructuredProperty explicitly unindexable
# LocalStructuredProperty explicitly unindexable
# JsonProperty explicitly unindexable
# PickleProperty explicity unindexable
# GenericProperty explicitly unindexable
# ComputedProperty explicitly unindexable
non_repeatable_properties = (
def default_entity_indexer(instance, properties, extra_converters=None):
results = []
converters = {}
if extra_converters:
for property in properties:
value = getattr(instance, property)
converted = None
property_instance = instance._properties[property]
property_class = property_instance.__class__
converter = converters.get(property_class, converters.get(property, None))
if not value or not converter:
if property_class in (ndb.KeyProperty, ndb.BlobKeyProperty):
logging.debug("Search utilities will not automatically index Key or BlobKey property %s" % property)
if not property_instance._repeated:
converted = converter(property, value)
if not property_class in non_repeatable_properties:
converted = [converter(property, x) for n, x in enumerate(value)]
logging.debug("Could not automatically add field %s to the index because date and number fields can not be repeated." % property)
if not converted:
if isinstance(converted, (list, tuple)):
return results
[docs]def index_entity(instance, index, only=None, exclude=None, extra_converters=None, indexer=None, callback=None):
Adds an Model instance into full-text search indexes.
:param instance: an instance of ndb.Model
:param list(string) only: If provided, will only index these fields
:param list(string) exclude: If provided, will not index any of these fields
:param dict extra_converters: Extra map of property names or types to converter functions.
:param indexer: A function that transforms properties into search index fields.
:param callback: A function that will recieve (instance, fields).
Fields is a map of property names to search.Field instances generated by the indexer
the callback can modify this dictionary to change how the item is indexed.
This is usually done in :meth:`Model.after_put <ferris.core.ndb.Model.after_put>`, for example::
def after_put(self):
indexer = indexer if indexer else default_entity_indexer
indexes = index if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)) else [index]
only = only if only else [k for k in instance._properties.keys() if hasattr(instance, k)]
exclude = exclude if exclude else []
properties = [x for x in only if x not in exclude]
fields = indexer(instance, properties, extra_converters=extra_converters)
if callback:
callback(instance=instance, fields=fields)
doc = search_api.Document(doc_id=str(instance.key.urlsafe()), fields=fields)
for index_name in indexes:
index = search_api.Index(name=index_name)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Adding model %s instance %s to the full-text index failed" % (instance.key.kind(),
logging.error("Search API error: %s" % e)
logging.debug([(, x.value) for x in fields])
[docs]def unindex_entity(instance_or_key, index=None):
Removes a document from the full-text search.
This is usually done in :meth:`Model.after_delete <ferris.core.ndb.Model.after_delete>`, for example::
def after_delete(cls, key):
if isinstance(instance_or_key, ndb.Model):
instance_or_key = instance_or_key.key
indexes = index if isinstance(index, (list, tuple)) else [index]
for index_name in indexes:
index = search_api.Index(name=index_name)
[docs]def search(index, query, limit=None, cursor=None, options=None, sort_field=None, sort_direction='asc', sort_default_value=None, per_document_cursor=False, transformer=transform_to_entities):
Searches an index with the given query.
By default, this will transform the results into a list of datastore
entities. This behavior can be override by providing a function to the transformer argument.
Additionally, this only gets document ids by default. To override this, pass in an options parameter that
sets ids_only to False.
example of disabling both of these default behaviors:
search(index='test_index', query='test', options={'ids_only': False}, transformer=list)
This function returns a tuple: error, results, cursor, next_cursor.
options = options if options else {}
error = None
results = []
current_cursor = None
next_cursor = None
index = search_api.Index(name=index)
current_cursor = search_api.Cursor(web_safe_string=cursor) if cursor else search_api.Cursor(per_result=per_document_cursor)
options_params = dict(
if sort_field:
options_params['sort_options'] = create_sort_options(sort_field, sort_direction, sort_default_value)
# if limit is none, remove it, as it'll cause issues.
if options_params.get('limit') is None:
del options_params['limit']
query = search_api.Query(query_string=query, options=search_api.QueryOptions(**options_params))
index_results =
results = transformer(index_results)
current_cursor = current_cursor.web_safe_string if current_cursor else None
next_cursor = index_results.cursor.web_safe_string if index_results.cursor and results else None
except (search_api.Error, search_api.query_parser.QueryException) as e:
error = str(e)
return error, results, current_cursor, next_cursor
def create_sort_options(field, direction='asc', default_value=None):
direction_exp = search_api.SortExpression.ASCENDING if direction == 'asc' else search_api.SortExpression.DESCENDING
if inspect.isfunction(default_value):
default_value = default_value(field, direction)
return search_api.SortOptions(expressions=[
default_value=default_value or ''
[docs]def join_query(filters, operator='AND', parenthesis=False):
Utility function for joining muliple queries together
operator = ' %s ' % operator
filters = [x for x in filters if x]
if parenthesis:
filters = ["(%s)" % x for x in filters]
return operator.join(filters)