At this point our application is complete and tested. At this point you can dive right in to the User’s Guide, but there are a few extra things we can add to further demonstrate some more of Ferris’ capabilities.
Ferris uses Components as a way of organizing commonly used functionality for controllers. Ferris comes with a handful of built-in components and includes one for automatic pagination for list methods.
It’s pretty easy to use. First import it:
from ferris.components.pagination import Pagination
Then add it to our controller’s Meta component list and set the pagination_limit:
class Posts(Controller):
class Meta:
components = (scaffold.Scaffolding, Pagination)
pagination_limit = 5
If you open up http://localhost:8080/posts, you’ll see that it will show no more than five posts. However, we don’t currently have a way to move between pages. Luckily, the scaffolding macros can handle that.
Add this to our list.html template right before the end of the layout_content block:
Now there is a paginator at the bottom of the page.
Behaviors and Searching¶
Similar to components, Ferris uses Behaviors as a way of organizing commonly used functionality for models. A useful behavior is the Searchable behavior.
First, we need to modify our model:
from ferris.behaviors.searchable import Searchable
def Post(BasicModel):
class Meta:
behaviors = (Searchable,)
Any posts created before you made this change will not be searchable until you edit and resave them.
Now we’ll use the Search component in our controller to use the behavior:
from ferris.components.search import Search
class Posts(Controller):
components = (scaffold.Scaffolding, Pagination, Search)
Now let’s the ability to search to our list action:
def list(self):
if 'query' in self.request.params:
self.context['posts'] = self.components.search()
elif 'mine' in self.request.params:
self.context['posts'] = self.Model.all_posts_by_user()
self.context['posts'] = self.Model.all_posts()
Import the search macros into templates/posts/list.html:
{% import 'macros/search.html' as search with context %}
Finally, add these somewhere at the top of the inside of the layout_content block:
Now when we visit http://localhost:8080/posts there should be a search box from where we can search through all posts.