Source code for ferris3.oauth2

from __future__ import absolute_import
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
import hashlib
import endpoints
import os
from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenCredentials

[docs]def get_endpoints_credentials(): """ Gets the oauth2 credentials from the user authenticated to Google Cloud Endpoints. Presently, this does not work for Android and iOS clients. We are open to patches to fix it. """ user = endpoints.get_current_user() if not user: return False if not 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in os.environ: return False token = os.environ['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].split(' ').pop() credentials = AccessTokenCredentials(token, 'appengine:ferris') return credentials
def _get_config(): from . import settings config = settings.get('oauth2_service_account') if not config: raise RuntimeError("OAuth2 Service Account is not configured correctly") return config try: from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials except ImportError: SignedJwtAssertionCredentials = None from oauth2client.appengine import StorageByKeyName, CredentialsNDBProperty
[docs]def build_service_account_credentials(scope, user=None): """ Builds service account credentials using the configuration stored in :mod:`~ferris3.settings` and masquerading as the provided user. """ if not SignedJwtAssertionCredentials: raise EnvironmentError("Service account can not be used because PyCrypto is not available. Please install PyCrypto.") config = _get_config() if not isinstance(scope, (list, tuple)): scope = [scope] key = _generate_storage_key(config['client_email'], scope, user) storage = StorageByKeyName(ServiceAccountStorage, key, 'credentials') creds = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials( service_account_name=config['client_email'], private_key=config['private_key'], scope=scope, prn=user) creds.set_store(storage) return creds
class ServiceAccountStorage(ndb.Model): """ Tracks access tokens in the database. The key is based on the scopes, user, and clientid """ credentials = CredentialsNDBProperty() @classmethod def _get_kind(cls): return '_ferris_OAuth2ServiceAccountStorage' def _generate_storage_key(client_id, scopes, user): s = u"%s%s%s" % (client_id, sorted(scopes), user) hash = hashlib.sha1(s.encode()) return hash.hexdigest()