
Google Cloud Endpoints uses protorpc messages as the data marshalling library for sending and receiving data v Ferris provides a lot of utilities around defining messages and using them with endpoints.

Most of ferris’ message functionality comes from the protopigeon library.

Defining messages

This is done exactly the same as with the protorpc library:

from protorpc import messages

class MyMessage(messages.Message):
    greeting = messages.StringField(1)

Remember endpoints requires that messages used for requests and responses need to be available when a module is imported. This means that you can’t create new messages and runtime and expect them to work. Messages should be defined as top-level classes in the module they belong to.

Generating messages from models

You can generate a message for any ndb.Model class using protopigeon. All properties, including structured properties, are supported with the exception of computed properties.

For example if you have this model:

from google.appengine.ext import ndb

class Post(ndb.Model):
    title = ndb.StringProperty()
    content = ndb.TextProperty()
    favorites = ndb.IntegerProperty()
    created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

You can generate a message for it:

import protopigeon

PostMessage = protopigeon.model_message(Post)

This is equivalent of doing this manually:

from protorpc import messages
from protorpc.message_types import DateTimeField

class PostMessage(messages.Message):
    title = messages.StringField(1)
    content = messages.StringField(2)
    favorites = messages.IntegerField(3)
    created = DateTimeField(4)

Translating between entities and messages

If you have a datastore entity (an instance of a Model) and want to put its data into your generated message:

post = Post(title="Test post please ignore", content="This is just a test", favorites=1230)
post_message = protopigeon.to_message(post, PostMessage)

Conversely, if you have an instance of a message and you want an entity:

post = protopigeon.to_entity(post_message, Post)

You can even use this to update an existing entity instance (this works vice-versa with existing message instances too):

Post = Post.query.get()
protopigeon.to_entity(post_message, post)

List messages

Endpoints doesn’t allow you to directly return a list of messages. Instead, you need to wrap it in a container message like so:

    items = messages.MessageField(PostMessage, 1, repeated=True)

posts = Post.query()
list_message = PostListMessage()
list_message.items = [protopigeon.to_message(x, PostMessage) for x in posts]

This quickly becomes repetitive. Instead you can use list_message() to generate these messages for you:

PostListMessage = protorpc.list_message(PostMessage)

To simplify the translation part you can use serialize_list():

posts = Post.query()
list_message = ferris3.messages.serialize_list(PostListMessage, posts)

Composing messages

Messages can’t inherit from other messages, but you can use the compose() method to emulate it.:

class Origin(Message):
    year = IntegerField(1)
    location = StringField(2)

class Traveler(Message):
    name = StringField(1)
    species = StringField(1)

class Tag(Message):
    urlsafe = StringField(1)

TravelerWithOriginAndTag = protopigeon.compose(Origin, Destination, Tag)

instance = TravelerWithOriginAndTag(
    name='The Doctor',
    species='Time Lord',

API Reference

protopigeon.model_message(Model, only=None, exclude=None, converters=None)

Generates a protorpc message for the given model. Pass in only or exclude to control which fields are present in the generated message.

protopigeon.to_message(model, message, converters=None, only=None, exclude=None)

Converts the given entity into a protorpc message using the given message class.

ferris3.messages.serialize(MessageType, entity, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for protopigeon.to_message()

protopigeon.to_entity(message, model, converters=None, only=None, exclude=None, key_field='id')

Converts the given message into a ndb entity using the given model class.

ferris3.messages.deserialize(Model, message, **kwargs)[source]

Alias for protopigeon.to_entity()


Wraps the given message in a container message that has items and next_page_token fields.

ferris3.messages.serialize_list(ListMessageType, entities)[source]

Transforms all of the provided entities and places it in the message’s items attribute.


Combines two or more messages into one single message class.