Source code for ferris3.mail

from . import settings, template
from google.appengine.api import mail, app_identity
import logging

[docs]def send(recipient, subject, body, sender=None, reply_to=None, **kwargs): """ Sends an html email to ``recipient`` with the given ``subject`` and ``body``. If sender is none, it's automatically set to ``settings['email_sender']``, If the setting is not configured, then the default ``noreply@[appid]`` is used. Any additionally arguments are passed to ``mail.send_mail``, such as headers. """ try: sender = sender if sender else settings.get('email_sender', None) except settings.ConfigurationError: sender = None if not sender: sender = "" % app_identity.get_application_id()"No sender configured, using the default one: %s" % sender) res = mail.send_mail( sender=sender, to=recipient, subject=subject, body=body, html=body, reply_to=reply_to if reply_to else sender, **kwargs)'Email sent to %s by %s with subject %s and result %s' % (recipient, sender, subject, res)) return res
[docs]def send_template(recipient, subject, template_name, context=None, theme=None, **kwargs): """ Renders a template using :func:`~ferris3.template.render` and sends an email in the same way as :func:`send`. For example:: mail.send_template( recipient='', subject='A Test Email', template_name='app/email/test.html', context={ 'name': 'George' } ) Would render the template ``app/email/test.html`` and email the rendered html. """ name = ('email/' + template_name + '.html', template) context = context if context else {} body = template.render(name, context, theme=theme) res = send(recipient, subject, body, **kwargs) return res, body