Source code for ferris.core.caching

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from functools import wraps
import datetime
import threading
import inspect

none_sentinel_string = u'β˜ƒβ˜Έβ˜ƒ - caching sentinel'

[docs]def cache(key, ttl=0, backend=None): """ General-purpose caching decorator. This decorator causes the result of a function to be cached so that subsequent calls will return the cached result instead of calling the function again. The ttl argument determines how long the cache is valid, once the cache is invalid the function will be called to generate a new value and the cache will be refreshed. The backend argument can be used to determine how the value is cached- by default, the value is stored in memcache but there are built-in backends for thread-local caching and caching via the datastore. Example:: @cache('something_expensive', ttl=3600) def expensive_function(): ... """ if backend is None or backend == 'memcache': backend = MemcacheBackend elif backend == 'local': backend = LocalBackend elif backend == 'datastore': backend = DatastoreBackend def wrapper(f): @wraps(f) def dispatcher(*args, **kwargs): data = backend.get(key) if data == none_sentinel_string: return None if data is None: data = f(*args, **kwargs) backend.set(key, none_sentinel_string if data is None else data, ttl) return data def cache_getter(): data = backend.get(key) if data == none_sentinel_string: return None return data setattr(dispatcher, 'clear_cache', lambda: backend.delete(key)) setattr(dispatcher, 'cached', cache_getter) setattr(dispatcher, 'uncached', f) return dispatcher return wrapper
[docs]def cache_by_args(key, ttl=0, backend=None): """ Like :func:`cache`, but will use any arguments to the function as part of the key to ensure that variadic functions are cached separately. Argument must be able to be printed as a string- it's recommended to use plain data types as arguments. """ def wrapper(f): argspec = inspect.getargspec(f)[0] if len(argspec) and argspec[0] in ('self', 'cls'): is_method = True else: is_method = False @wraps(f) def dispatcher(*args, **kwargs): targs = args if not is_method else args[1:] arg_key = "%s:%s:%s" % (key, targs, kwargs) @cache(arg_key, ttl, backend=backend) def inner_dispatcher(): return f(*args, **kwargs) return inner_dispatcher() return dispatcher return wrapper
def cache_using_local(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching using the thread-local cache. """ return cache(key, ttl, backend=LocalBackend) def cache_using_memcache(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching using the memcache. """ return cache(key, ttl, backend=MemcacheBackend) def cache_using_datastore(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching using the datastore """ return cache(key, ttl, backend=DatastoreBackend) def cache_by_args_using_local(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching by arguments using the thread-local cache. """ return cache_by_args(key, ttl, backend=LocalBackend) def cache_by_args_using_memcache(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching by arguments using the memcache. """ return cache_by_args(key, ttl, backend=MemcacheBackend) def cache_by_args_using_datastore(key, ttl=0): """ Shortcut decorator for caching by arguments using the datastore """ return cache_by_args(key, ttl, backend=DatastoreBackend)
[docs]class LocalBackend(object): """ The local backend stores caches in a thread-local variable. The caches are available for this thread and likely just for the duration of one request. """ cache_obj = threading.local() @classmethod def set(cls, key, data, ttl): if ttl: expires = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=ttl) else: expires = None setattr(cls.cache_obj, key, (data, expires)) @classmethod def get(cls, key): if not hasattr(cls.cache_obj, key): return None data, expires = getattr(cls.cache_obj, key) if expires and expires < delattr(cls.cache_obj, key) return None return data @classmethod def delete(cls, key): try: delattr(cls.cache_obj, key) except AttributeError: pass @classmethod def reset(cls): for a in cls.cache_obj.__dict__.keys(): delattr(cls.cache_obj, a)
[docs]class MemcacheBackend(object): """ Stores caches in memcache. Memcache is available across instances but is subject to being dumped from the cache before the expiration time. """ @classmethod def set(cls, key, data, ttl): memcache.set(key, data, ttl) @classmethod def get(cls, key): return memcache.get(key) @classmethod def delete(cls, key): memcache.delete(key)
[docs]class MemcacheCompareAndSetBackend(MemcacheBackend): """ Same as the regular memcache backend but uses compare-and-set logic to ensure that memcache updates are atomic. """ @classmethod def set(cls, key, data, ttl): client = memcache.Client() if not client.gets(key): memcache.set(key, data, ttl) return for _ in range(10): if client.cas(key, data, ttl): break
[docs]class DatastoreBackend(object): """ Stores caches in the datastore which has the effect of them being durable and persistent, unlike the memcache and local backends. Items stored in the datastore are certain to remain until the expiration time passes. """ @classmethod def set(cls, key, data, ttl): if ttl: expires = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=ttl) else: expires = None DatastoreCacheModel(id=key, data=data, expires=expires).put() @classmethod def get(cls, key): item = ndb.Key(DatastoreCacheModel, key).get() if not item: return None if item.expires and item.expires < item.key.delete() return None return @classmethod def delete(cls, key): ndb.Key(DatastoreCacheModel, key).delete()
class DatastoreCacheModel(ndb.Model): data = ndb.PickleProperty(indexed=False, compressed=True) expires = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=False)
[docs]class LayeredBackend(object): """ Allows you to use multiple backends at once. When an item is cached it is put in to each backend. Retrieval checks each backend in order for the item. This is very useful when combining fast but volatile backends (like local) with slow but durable backends (like datastore). Example:: @cache('something_expensive', ttl=3600, backend=LayeredBackend(LocalBackend, DatastoreBackend)) def expensive_function(): ... """ def __init__(self, *args): self.backends = args def set(self, key, data, ttl): for b in self.backends: b.set(key, data, ttl) def get(self, key): for b in self.backends: data = b.get(key) if data is not None: return data def delete(self, key): for b in self.backends: b.delete(key)