
The settings module provides a way to specify application-wide settings in a centralized registry. You can also use the special dynamic settings plugin you can configure your settings via the Ferris admin interface.


To configure settings, use app/ There should already be some defaults configured but you may add your own:

settings['cats'] = {
    'herdable': False

To read your settings, import ferris.settings and use get():

from ferris import settings

HERDABLE = settings.get('cats').get('herdable')


Do not import app.settings directly. Always use the settings API as it allows for things such as the dynamic settings plugin to work correctly and ensure that everything is loaded in the right order.


ferris.core.settings.get(key, default=None)[source]

Returns the setting at key, if available, raises an ConfigurationError if default is none, otherwise returns the default


Returns the entire settings registry

Dynamic Settings Plugin

The built-in settings plugin provides you with the ability to configure overrides to the default settings via the ferris admin interface.

To use the settings plugin make sure it’s enabled in app/ (preferably before any other plugins):


Then, activate the plugin inside of app/

import plugins.settings

If you’re using plugins that expose additional dynamic settings (such as the service account plugin), be sure to import those before activating the settings:

import plugins.settings
import plugins.service_account.settings


If you import additional settings after activating the plugin, the settings dictionary will not be properly updated.

You can now access the settings manager at /admin/settings.

Any settings specified in the admin interface will take precendence over the ones specified in your file.

You can also add your own custom settings to the admin interface. To do so, subclass the settings model SettingsModel:

from ferris import ndb
from plugins.settings import SettingsModel

class SFTPSettings(SettingsModel):
    _name = 'SFTP Settings'
    _settings_key = 'sftp_settings'
    _description = 'SFTP Settings'
    server = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    user_name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)
    password = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)

This is a normal model class so regular ndb properties are used to specify fields. You must specify the _setting_key and _name attributes.

class plugins.settings.SettingsModel

The key where the settings will be stored. To get these settings use settings.get(_setting_key).


The name to display for this setting in the admin interface.


The description to use for this setting in the admin interface.