Routing ======= Ferris will automatically create a route name and url for every action in every handler in your application. You can also specify additional routes using the file ``app/``. .. currentmodule:: ferris.core.handler Parts ----- Actions in your application are referenced using four parts: * The name of the handler * The prefix, if specified * The name of the action * The parameters of the action, if any These are called the *route parts* and are used to build both the route name and the url for a particular action. URL and Name Generation ----------------------- For the route name, it follows the convention ``[prefix-]handler-action`` with handler being underscored. For the url, it follows the convention ``[/prefix]/handler/action[/param_1, etc.]`` with handler being underscored. The following table demonstrates various mappings: +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ |Action | URL | name | +===============================+===============================+===============================+ | Time.stop() | /time/stop | time-stop | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Daleks.exterminate(who) | /daleks/exterminate/ | daleks-exterminate | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Numbers.range(min, max) | /numbers/range// | numbers-range | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Spaceships.xml_specs() | /xml/spaceships/specs | xml-spaceships-specs | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | UserComments.json_stats | /json/user_comments/stats | json-user_comments-stats | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+ CRUD Actions ------------ The methods named ``list``, ``view``, ``add``, ``edit``, and ``delete`` are *always* treated as actions and are implicitly routed (even when prefixed). These methods have preset url mappings as follows, but can be prefixed: +---------+----------------------+ |Action | URL | +=========+======================+ |list | /handler | +---------+----------------------+ |add | /handler/add | +---------+----------------------+ |view | /handler/ | +---------+----------------------+ |edit | /handler//edit | +---------+----------------------+ |delete | /handler//delete| +---------+----------------------+ Non-CRUD Actions ---------------- Other methods need to be explicitly routed using ``@route`` or ``@route_with``. Take the following methods for example:: def list(self): return 'list' @route def test(self): return 'test' def run(self): return 'run' The methods ``list`` and ``test`` will be accessible via HTTP, but the method ``run`` is only accessible from code. .. autofunction:: ferris.core.handler.route To set a custom url for an action, use ``@route_with`` .. autofunction:: ferris.core.handler.route_with For example:: @route_with(template='/ultimate/life/form') def daleks(self): return 'Daleks' Prefixes -------- Prefixes must be explicitly listed in the ``prefix`` class property in a handler, for example:: class Posts(Handler): prefixes = ['json'] @route def json_stats(self): pass @route def xml_stats(self): pass ``json_stats`` will have the url ``/json/posts/stats`` but ``xml_stats`` will be at ``/posts/xml_stats``. Generating URLs to Actions -------------------------- There is a standard way to generate URLs to actions across the application: .. automethod:: ferris.core.handler.Handler.uri(route_name = None, prefix = , handler = , action = , _pass_all = False, _full = False, *args, **kwargs) Attempting to generate a URL to an action that doesn't exist will result in an exception. Checking if an action exists ---------------------------- You can check for the existence of an action before attempting to generate a URL to it: .. automethod:: ferris.core.handler.Handler.uri_exists You can see if you're on a particular action. While this may seem like a superfluous feature, it's very useful in templates: .. automethod:: ferris.core.handler.Handler.on_uri Static Files ------------ Static files live in ``app/static`` and can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/static. The folders ``css``, ``js``, and ``img`` are aliased and can be accessed via http://localhost:8080/css, http://localhost:8080/js, and http://localhost:8080/img respectively. Plugin assets are available via http://localhost:8080/plugins/plugin_name/.