Models ====== Models are responsible for persisting data and containing application logic. Conventions ----------- Models are named with singular nouns (for example: Page, User, Image, Bear, etc.). Breaking convention is okay, but scaffolding will not work properly without some help. Each model class should be in it's own file under ``/app/models`` and the name of the file should be the underscored class name. For example, to create a model to represent furry bears, you would create the file ``/app/models/`` and inside of that define a class named ``FurryBear``. Ferris' Model Class ------------------- .. module:: ferris.core.ndb The Model class is built on top of App Engine's ``google.appengine.ext.ndb`` module and there is nothing stopping you from directly using any regular ndb.Model class with Ferris. Documentation on propeties, querying, etc. can be found `here `_. .. autoclass:: ferris.core.ndb.Model .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.find_all_by_properties .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.find_by_properties Automatic Methods ----------------- The Model class automatically generates a ``find_by_[property]`` and a ``find_all_by_[property]`` classmethod for each property in your model.These are shortcuts to the above methods. For example:: Show.find_all_by_title("The End of Time") Show.find_all_by_author("Russell T Davies") Callbacks --------- Additionally the Model class provides aliases for the callback methods. You can override these methods in your Model and they will automatically be called after their respective action. .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.before_put .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.after_put .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.before_get .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.after_get .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.before_delete .. automethod:: ferris.core.ndb.Model.after_delete These methods are useful for replicating database triggers, enforcing application logic, validation, search indexing, and more. Access Fields ------------- The :class:`BasicModel` adds automatic access fields: .. autoclass:: ferris.core.ndb.BasicModel .. py:attribute:: ferris.core.ndb.BasicModel.created Stores the created time of an item as a datetime (UTC) .. attribute:: ferris.core.ndb.BasicModel.modified Stores the modified time of an item as a datetime (UTC) .. attribute:: ferris.core.ndb.BasicModel.created_by Stores the user (a ``google.appengine.api.users.User``) who created an item. .. attribute:: ferris.core.ndb.BasicModel.modified_by Stores the user (a ``google.appengine.api.users.User``) who modified an item.