Source code for ferris.core.handler

import webapp2
import json
from settings import app_config
from webapp2 import Response, cached_property
from webapp2_extras import sessions
from google.appengine.api import users
from wtforms.ext.appengine.db import model_form
from ferris.core import inflector
from ferris.core.ndb import key_urlsafe_for, key_from_string
from ferris.core.uri import Uri
from ferris.core.event import NamedEvents
from ferris.core import events
from ferris.core.json_util import DatastoreEncoder, DatastoreDecoder
from scaffolding import Scaffolding, scaffold
import ferris.core.routing as routing
import ferris.core.template as templating
from bunch import Bunch
from webob.multidict import MultiDict
import logging

[docs]def route(f): """ Marks a class method to enable it to be automatically routed and accessible via HTTP. This decorator should always be the outermost decorator. """ setattr(f, 'route', True) return f
[docs]def route_with(*args, **kwargs): """ Marks a class method to be routed and passes and additional arguments to the webapp2.Route constructor. :param template: Sets the URL template for this action """ def inner(f): setattr(f, 'route', (args, kwargs)) return f return inner
[docs]class Handler(webapp2.RequestHandler, Uri): """ Handler allows grouping of common actions and provides them with automatic routing, reusable components, and automatic template discovery and rendering. """ #: List of components. #: When declaring a handler, this must be a list of classes. #: When the handler is constructed, this will be transformed into a Bunch of instances. components = [] #: If set to true, the handler will attempt to render the template determined by :meth:`_get_template_name` if an action returns ``None``. auto_render = True #: If set, this will be used as the template to render instead of calling :meth:`_get_template_name` template_name = None #: The extension used by :meth:`_get_template_name` when finding templates. template_ext = 'html' #: Set to change the theme used by render_template theme = None #: Context that is passed on to the template, use :meth:`get` and and :meth:`set`. template_vars = {} # Prefixes are added in from of handlers (like admin_list) and will cause routing # to produce a url such as '/admin/name/list' and a name such as 'admin-name-list' prefixes = [] #: The current action action = None #: The current prefix prefix = None # The name of this class, lowercase (automatically determined) name = 'handler' #: The current user as determined by ``google.appengine.api.users.get_current_user()``. user = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ * Constructs the events map * Constructs all of the components * Determines the prefix and action * Populates default template arguments """ super(Handler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = NamedEvents() self._init_route_members() self._init_template_vars() self._build_components() def _build_components(self): self._delegate_event('before_build_components', handler=self) if hasattr(self, 'components'): components = self.components self.components = Bunch() for cls in components: if hasattr(cls, 'name'): name = else: name = inflector.underscore(cls.__name__) self.components[name] = (cls(self)) else: self.components = Bunch() self._delegate_event('after_build_components', handler=self) def _init_route_members(self): self.action = self.request.route.handler_method for prefix in self.prefixes: if self.action.startswith(prefix): self.prefix = prefix self.action = self.action.replace(self.prefix + '_', '') def _init_template_vars(self): = inflector.underscore(self.__class__.__name__) self.proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ self.template_vars = {} self.template_vars['handler'] = { 'name':, 'uri': self.uri.__get__(self, Handler), 'prefix': self.prefix, 'action': self.action, 'uri_exists': self.uri_exists.__get__(self, Handler), 'on_uri': self.on_uri.__get__(self, Handler), 'request': self.request, 'self': self, 'url_id_for': self.url_id_for.__get__(self, Handler), 'url_key_for': self.url_id_for.__get__(self, Handler), 'user': self.user } self._delegate_event('template_vars', handler=self) def _delegate_event(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls an event locally, globally, and invokes callback methods """ # callback events if name == 'before_dispatch': self.before_dispatch() elif name == 'after_dispatch': self.after_dispatch(kwargs['response']) elif name == 'before_render': self.before_render() elif name == 'after_render': self.after_render(kwargs['result'])[name].fire(*args, **kwargs) # Local events'handler_' + name, *args, **kwargs) # Global Events @classmethod def build_routes(cls, router): """ Called in the main app router to get all of this handler's routes. Override to add custom/additional routes. """ # Route the rest methods router.add(routing.build_scaffold_routes_for_handler(cls)) for prefix in cls.prefixes: router.add(routing.build_scaffold_routes_for_handler(cls, prefix)) # Auto route the remaining methods for route in routing.build_routes_for_handler(cls): router.add(route)'handler_build_routes', cls=cls, router=router)
[docs] def startup(self): """Called when a new request is received before authorization and dispatching.""" pass
def is_authorized(self): if self.prefix == 'admin' and not users.is_current_user_admin(): return Response("You must be an administrator.", status="401 Unauthorized") if 'allowed_auth_domains' in app_config: if not users.get_current_user().email().split('@').pop() in app_config['allowed_auth_domains']: return Response("Your domain does not have access to this application.", status="401 Unauthorized") try: self._delegate_event('is_authorized', handler=self) except Exception, e: return Response(str(e), status='401 Unauthorized') return True
[docs] def before_dispatch(self): """Called during dispatch before control is handed over to the action""" pass
[docs] def after_dispatch(self, response): """Called during dispatch after control is handed back from the action""" pass
[docs] def before_render(self): """Called during render_template before invoking the template engine""" pass
[docs] def after_render(self, result): """Called during render_template after the template has been rendered by the template engine""" pass
def dispatch(self): """ Calls startup and then the handler method. Will also make sure that the user is an administrator is the current prefix is 'admin'. If self.auto_render is True, then we will try to automatically render the template at templates/{name}/{prefix}_{action}.{extension}. The automatic name can be overriden by setting self.template_name. If the handler method returns anything other than None, auto-rendering is skipped and the result (return value) is returned to the dispatcher. """ self.user = users.get_current_user() self._init_route_members() self._init_template_vars() self.session_store = sessions.get_store(request=self.request) self.template_vars['handler']['session'] = self.session self._delegate_event('before_startup', handler=self) self.startup() self._delegate_event('after_startup', handler=self) auth_result = self.is_authorized() if auth_result != True: return auth_result try: self._delegate_event('before_dispatch', handler=self) response = super(Handler, self).dispatch() self._delegate_event('after_dispatch', response=response, handler=self) if self.auto_render and response == None and not self.response.body: response = self.render_template(self._get_template_name()) finally: pass if isinstance(response, basestring): # Clear redirect if self.response.status_int in [300, 301, 302]: self.response.status = 200 del self.response.headers['Location'] if isinstance(response, unicode): self.response.charset = 'utf8' self.response.unicode_body = response else: self.response.body = response elif isinstance(response, tuple): self.response = Response(response) elif isinstance(response, int): self.response.status = response elif response == None: pass self._delegate_event('dispatch_complete', handler=self) self.session_store.save_sessions(self.response) return self.response @cached_property
[docs] def session(self): """ Session object backed by an encrypted cookie and memcache. """ return self.session_store.get_session(backend='memcache')
[docs] def json(self, data, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a json encoded string for the given object. Uses :mod:`ferris.core.json_util` so it is capable of handling Datastore types.""" return json.dumps(data, cls=DatastoreEncoder, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def render_template(self, template): """ Render a given template with :attr:`template_vars` as the context. This is called automatically during :meth:`dispatch` if :attr:`auto_render` is ``True`` and an action returns ``None``. """ self._delegate_event('before_render', handler=self) result = templating.render_template(template, self.template_vars, theme=self.theme) self._delegate_event('after_render', handler=self, result=result) return result
[docs] def _get_template_name(self): """ Generates a list of template names. The template engine will try each template in the list until it finds one. For non-prefixed actions, the return value is simply: ``[ "[handler]/[action].[ext]" ]``. For prefixed actions, another entry is added to the list : ``[ "[handler]/[prefix_][action].[ext]" ]``. This means that actions that are prefixed can fallback to using the non-prefixed template. For example, the action ``Posts.json_list`` would try these templates:: posts/json_list.html posts/list.html """ if not self.template_name == None: return self.template_name templates = [] if self.prefix: template = + '/' + self.prefix + '_' + self.action + '.' + self.template_ext templates.append(template) # non-prefixed template = + '/' + self.action + '.' + self.template_ext templates.append(template) self._delegate_event('template_names', handler=self, templates=templates) return templates
[docs] def set(self, name=None, value=None, **kwargs): """ Set a variable in the template context. You can specify name and value or specify multiple values using kwargs. """ if not name == None: self.template_vars[name] = value self.template_vars.update(kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, name, default=None): """ Get a variable from the template context """ return self.template_vars.get(name, default)
def url_id_for(self, item): """ Returns a properly formatted urlsafe version of an ``ndb.Key``. """ return ':' + key_urlsafe_for(item) url_key_for = url_id_for
[docs] def key_from_string(self, str, kind=None): """ Returns an ``ndb.Key`` object from a properly formatted urlsafe version. """ return key_from_string(str, kind)
[docs] def process_form_data(self, form, obj=None): """ Processes POST and JSON data and provides it to the given form. If obj is specified, that's used as the fallback data for the form is nothing was submitted. """ self._delegate_event('before_process_form_data', handler=self, form=form) form.process(formdata=self.request.params, obj=obj, ** if 'application/json' in self.request.content_type: try: data = json.loads(self.request.body) if '__class__' in data: # This is a complex Json data object, treat it as such. data = json.loads(self.request.body, cls=DatastoreDecoder) form.process(obj=data, ** else: # This is a plain json object, load it in via multidict # Do some special handling for list values in the dict. if isinstance(data, dict): new_data = MultiDict() for key, value in data.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, list): for v in value: new_data.add(key, v) else: new_data.add(key, value) form.process(formdata=new_data, ** else: raise Exception except Exception: logging.error('Request content-type is json, but I was unable to parse it!') logging.error(self.request.body) self._delegate_event('after_process_form_data', handler=self, form=form) return form # Pre register some events
events.register([ 'handler_before_build_components', 'handler_after_build_components', 'handler_template_vars', 'handler_build_routes', 'handler_is_authorized', 'handler_before_startup', 'handler_after_startup', 'handler_before_dispatch', 'handler_after_dispatch', 'handler_dispatch_complete', 'handler_before_render', 'handler_after_render', 'handler_template_names', 'handler_before_process_form_data', 'handler_after_process_form_data', ])