Source code for ferris.components.json

import logging
from webapp2 import Response
from ferris.core import inflector

[docs]class Json(object): """ Hooks into a handler to return json instead of rendering a template when the requestor asks for JSON. The requestor can ask for json by adding ``?alt=json`` to the URL, or by setting the ``Accepts`` header to ``application/json``. You can also manually activate JSON in your handler by setting the ``render_as_json`` attribute. By default, the json component will try to get the data to serialize using the following template variables: data, pluralize(handler), singularize(handler), edit_item, added_item, and item. You can specify additional variables to try by appending to the ``try_vars`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler self.render_as_json = False self.indent = None self.try_vars = [ 'data', inflector.pluralize(, inflector.singularize(, 'edited_item', 'added_item', 'item'] += self.before_dispatch_callback.__get__(self) += self.after_dispatch_callback.__get__(self) def before_dispatch_callback(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.handler.request.params.get('alt', None) == 'json' or self.handler.request.headers.get('Accept', None) == 'application/json': self.render_as_json = True def after_dispatch_callback(self, response, *args, **kwargs): if response == None and self.render_as_json == True: self.render() def render(self): self.handler.auto_render = False for key in self.try_vars: data = self.handler.get(key) if data is not None: logging.debug('Generating json from key %s' % key) break if data is not None: self.handler.response.charset = 'utf8' self.handler.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' self.handler.response.body = self.handler.json(data, indent=self.indent)